Using Aloe with Django ====================== Add ``aloe_django`` to your project's ``INSTALLED_APPS``. If you want to run ordinary Python tests using Nose, you should also add `django_nose`_ to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and set the setting ``TEST_RUNNER`` to ``django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner``. .. attribute:: GHERKIN_TEST_CLASS = 'aloe_django.TestCase' An :class:`aloe.testclass.TestCase` to use to run the tests. By default this will be :class:`aloe_django.TestCase`, but you can inherit it to change the behaviour of items such as the Django test server (e.g. to enable a threaded server). See :ref:`Extending Aloe’s TestCase ` for more details. .. attribute:: GHERKIN_TEST_RUNNER = 'aloe_django.runner.GherkinTestRunner' A Nose test runner used when running :command:` harvest`. .. autoclass:: aloe_django.TestCase() :members: .. autofunction:: aloe_django.django_url